May 16, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

16th May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

Now after John was arrested and put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good news (the Gospel) of the kingdom of God.

Do you realize it’s possible to be in church for a long time and not know there’s something wrong with the message of John’s baptism?
The idea that you have to confess your sins and repent is one we’ve heard and been taught for so long but its not the truth that the gospel declares.
Listen, don’t stick to old opinions that have no scriptural basis just because people have preached it over time.

Yesterday, we saw how Mark 1:4 explained the baptism of John but if you don’t come to that understanding, it’s possible to be in church for so long and think there’s everything right with the message of John’s baptism.
So we go on evangelism and tell people- “Repent and confess your sins so you can be forgiven.”
No sir, no ma, that’s not the gospel.

When we go a little further in Mark 1, we will see the distinction between what John’s baptism declares and what Jesus actually came to declare.
In our text, scripture says Jesus came to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. Why didn’t the verse say- “Jesus came to preach the baptism of John?”
Friends, there’s a clear difference!
John said- “Repent in order to receive forgiveness.”
Jesus said- “Repent and believe the gospel.”

So when you stand before someone, what do you preach? Do you say-
“Repent to receive forgiveness” or
“Repent and believe the gospel”?
Hear me, forgiveness is a product of the sacrifice not a function of you. It’s a product of God’s grace not your ability to keep the law. See, John’s baptism was deeply entrenched in the law.
In Matthew 3:5-9, when the Pharisees came to his baptism. He called them a brood of vipers, insulting and condemning them. And then he asked them to go bear fruits worthy of repentance before they could be baptized.

For so long, many of us have heard that before you are saved, you need to bear fruits of repentance or no heaven for you.
But think about it- Why do I need to bear fruits of repentance to be worthy to receive forgiveness when Jesus came?
If I could do that by myself, then Jesus did not need to come(Galatians 2:21).
How can you ask someone who was born in sin to have a change of heart?
It’s like asking a goat to become a lion.

Listen, salvation is not just the fact that you were forgiven as a sinner but its about the fact that your nature was changed, your old man crucified with Christ(Romans 6:6)so if you stop yourself from doing what is wrong, can you change your nature? No you can’t. The only thing that changed our nature is the cross of Jesus. It’s by believing the gospel.
And this ought to be our message. We ought to be pro-Jesus. This is how to be eloquent in the gospel.

In witnessing, am I pro-John or pro-Jesus?

-My understanding of the gospel is not defined by old mindsets. I am open to the revelation of the truth of the gospel.
-In witnessing for the gospel, I am devoted to the pro-Jesus campaign that preaches repentance by believing the gospel not repentance to qualify for forgiveness.
-I declare the gospel accurately. No additions. No subtractions. I am eloquent in the gospel.
-I believe that forgiveness of sins is a product of the sacrifice and not a function of us. I condemn no one.
-Daily, I am faithful in the business of soul-winning and I make profit of souls in millions for the Kingdom.
-Daily, I enjoy the advantage and dividends of the gospel.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to What Do I Preach?>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud