May 5, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

5th May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went.

If someone has a vision and he wants people or partners who will work with him, don’t you think he will do all he can to make sure their inputs aren’t wasted by making the business productive?
Now, if the business of soul-winning is God-conceived(Mark 16:15), don’t you think He would be willing to reward everyone who partners with Him in spreading the message of reconciliation, with results?

Take a look at Acts 2:47- the Bible records that God added to the church daily, everyone who was being saved. People were being saved!
Meaning, God was faithful to ensure that everyone who heard the message and believed it, got saved.
In other words, if anyone received the eternal reconciliation He provided, God was keen on saving them. He kept His part of the bargain.

That scripture says people were being saved and added to the body of Christ. This is so powerful.
We need to know that people must come to the saving knowledge of Jesus and be added to the church. God can’t come down from heaven to evangelize when He has given us that task(2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
Its our responsibility to take the saving knowledge of Jesus to them.

And so, for as long as we await Christ’s return, God is raising men and women who will be passionate for the gospel and you and I ought to be a part of those who will pour our lives into this gospel.
You know, all over the world, most churches more likely than not, meet thrice a week but in Acts 5:42, we see that these people were so passionate about the good news they had received that they were meeting to teach and preach Christ DAILY .
It must be our passion to teach and preach Christ as the message that saves to the whole world.
Daily and Without Ceasing.

Th truth is that this message may not be politically correct and you may not even make sense but this message of the cross that seems like foolishness is the saving power of God(1 Corinthians 1:18)
Paul in Romans 1:16 says the same thing about the gospel being the power of God to save everyone who believes. He said that he was not ashamed of this gospel because he knew that the preaching of the gospel is a “foolish” message.
To tell people that their sins are forgiven and God is no longer angry with them, but has reconciled them, is something that’s literally too-good-to-be-true.
But it is the truth.

Friends, be inspired to rise up and preach the gospel in this season. In our text, we see that the believers at the time, responded to persecution by preaching the gospel.
Their lives were literally under threat for this gospel but they didn’t cease fire.
Today, it may not look like we are undergoing the kind of persecution that they did but humanity is facing a great threat and so we must respond in the same way.
We too must keep preaching the gospel.
We too must make the commitment not to cease fire.

Am I willing to commit to preach the gospel without ceasing?

-I believe the gospel is God’s only tool for salvation.
-I am empowered with all I need to win souls.
-I am an unashamed messenger of the good news. Daily, I am fired up to share this good news.
-I am an active labourer; I declarethe gospel without ceasing and pray fervently for people to reecive the revelation of the gospel.
-I am committed to the good news campaign so that people can experience all the good things that the blood of Jesus has mediated for them.
-I win souls in millions for the Kingdom.
-Daily, I enjoy the advantage and dividends of the gospel.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to Soul Winning 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud