19th February 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
“The mountains and hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end; I will keep for ever my promise of peace.” So says the LORD who loves you.
I have come to learn that this love we have received in Christ is rich in ways that we may never be able to articulate. It is so deep, so wide, so high, it goes on and on.
One of such dividends of this love is peace. And I mean both;
▪Peace with God as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice that reconciled us back to Him(2 Corinthians 5:19; Romans 5:1) and;
▪Peace from God to navigate life’s circumstances (Philippians 4:7; Romans 16:20).
You see, for the believer, peace is not determined by calmness or absence of chaos.
The origin of your peace is because of the father’s love for you that was revealed on the cross.
In John 20:19,20, when Jesus dropped in on His disciples after He rose, the first thing He did was proclaim “Peace be unto you.” and then showed them His hand and His side, as a proof that it was Him who died, was buried and rose again.
His appearance after resurrection was a proof that the fight for their peace was over. He took away every reason to fear.
Remember, fear was the first manifestation of the fall when Adam and Eve fell short from their ‘God-kind’.
They hid from God because they were afraid. So the presence of fear points to a lack of identity. But oh thank God for what Christ did for us!
God’s love now gives us peace about our past, present and future. No more fear!
Our text today is such a powerful assurance for us.
God says that even if mountains crumble and earthquake destroys everywhere, His love for us will never end and that He will keep forever His promise of peace.
In other words, Love promises peace. And when God makes a promise, you can be sure He is not a man that would lie.
Think about it this way, if the custodian of the promise is alive to ensure that we have what He died for, then you can be rest assured that peace is now a constant in our lives as believers. Philippians 4:7 says- Peace stands guard over our hearts because we belong to Christ.
Look! God’s love is defensive of our peace. Hallelujah!
This should be the understanding that your everyday experience, your inheritance is rooted in.
So that when life throws challenges at you in any form- anxiety, fear, offense, wiles etc., you are confident that because His love never ends, because it’s everlasting, Love will always keep its promise of peace.
Dear believer, every fear has been taken away! Live from the protective custody of peace.
Love keeps its promise.
Think about different areas of your life and highlight the areas where you live in fear. How can you live differently knowing that Love keeps its promise?
-I am loved. Loved with an everlasting love.
-This Love has given me a promise of peace. Love keeps it’s promise.
-I am confident to face every season in life because of this Peace weapon.
-God’s love is defensive of my peace.
-I have taken up residence in the protective custody of God’s peace.
-I have a sound mind.
-I experience peace in every area of my life.
-All that God hoped for, concerning my life, I am coming into it. Nothing good eludes me.
-Today, testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to LOVE ~ The Series 4 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud