April 1, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

1st APRIL 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Yesterday, we gleaned something so exemplary about Jesus’s life.
We saw that the disciples found Jesus where His heart was. Going about the business of the Father’s will in the face of challenges.
It was heart first.

Do you know that this heart matter is so important that it affects your giving too? You won’t give as one who is forced but willingly and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7).
See, get your hearts right.
As you have received grace, let your hearts cleave to God purposefully. Acts 11:23.

You know, we live in interesting days. Days when people spite the word of God, losing faith in the church and the things of Christ. Don’t be a part of those scoffers and mockers. What you can do is pray for the church knowing that He is building His church and nothing will prevail against it.(Matthew 16:18-19)
And as people continue to lose hope in the church as a result of their experiences, let your faith not shake in the things that happen to you.
Stay consistent in what Christ has done. Keep looking at it.
Know that you are always in victory because the church can never be defeated.

What did Jesus say to the disciples in Matthew 4:19? He said, “Follow me and I’ll make you fishers of men.”
The “follow” in that verse speaks of heart while the “making” speaks of competence. In this kingdom, it’s not “MADE” people first but people with heart, who know who God is to them and on this premise, will give their life to Him in service.

So you COME before you BECOME.
Before He gave Peter the assignment of feeding His sheep, He asked him- “Do you love me?”
Meaning, if I don’t deal with the issue of the heart, you can’t feed my sheep.
When our hearts are right, we will respond by revelation of what Christ has done for us.
Let this be the story of your life. That you responded to the revelation of Christ and gave your all.
Because in all honesty, there’s nothing that you can give in return that can match what He did.

Don’t be discouraged.
Don’t lose faith.
Keep praying.
Keep studying the Bible.
Keep on loving even if no one is loving you back.
If you have believed the gospel, don’t draw back.

Child of God, there is more in front of you than there is behind you.
Be strong in the Lord.

Pause and encourage your heart in the revelation of Christ and His grace that you have received.

-I am a man/woman after God’s heart. I have been given a new heart.
-My heart is right. My heart is fortified by the grace I have received.
-All that I do, I do from the heart.
-I respond ONLY to the revelation of Christ and I give my all.
-I am strong in the Lord. I faint not. I do not lose faith.
-Because the church can never be defeated, I am always in victory.
-Today, I enjoy daily benefits and testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works. Hallelujah!

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to The Believers Heart – Guard Your Heart >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud