March 22, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

22nd MARCH 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.”

Every believer needs an increasing revelation of the significance of the power of the cross.
I say this because it’s not even a function of how long you’ve been wounded or suffered a pain, it was only a matter of 3 days that Jesus became healed, but look how remarkable the transformation was, to the point where Mary couldn’t recognize Him.

He had changed so drastically, she thought He was a gardener. When she saw Him, the picture was different, it was no more suffering and pain but glory and splendour. And that’s the same thing- when your heartaches passes through the finished works of Jesus on the cross, the picture of your heart will change and your transformation will be evident.

Listen, the cross is not just a brilliant display of God’s power, it is also a proof of Love. The Love of the Father.
And when Love comes, Love changes, Love activates a becoming like the One who has changed you. When you meet someone who was once unlovable or felt unloved, after they receive love, it’s a total 360° turn.
Listen, when we receive the Love of God, the very essence of who He is, the miracle of becoming like Him, of mirroring His beauty begins to unfold, from our inside-out.

Don’t say, “Pastor, I can’t love anymore. Not after what I’ve suffered or the wounds I carry.”
Hear me, YOU CAN LOVE!
Don’t lose your heart over to someone, or the wounds inflicted by people to the point where you deem it irreparable. That crack is the channel for the healing of God’s power and love to flow through.

I’m ministering hope to someone today! It’s so important that you get this, dear friends.
Listen to me, the ministry of the Holy Spirit will fill every heart and restore your hope in service. God’s Love was poured lavishly in your heart by the giving of the Holy Spirit as proof that in the place of that trial, that pain, those wounds, your character is being fortified and a hope that never be disappointed, is being produced(Romans 5:3-5)

Did you know that what killed you or brought you down is no longer holding you? If it did, Jesus would have come with the cross, with the nail that connected Him, still attached to His hands.
Oh but He came by Himself! Hallelujah!
Out of the least likely is coming the most supernatural and extraordinary manifestations.
You, who was tagged and given labels or nicknames, God knows about it. He is not unaware of that pain and He will go above and beyond your preparation and bring you to the place where you receive the fruits of what you didn’t work for and the fruits you’ve lost hope of ever experiencing.
You will move on today!
You will make progress!
Your heart is preserved!
Your THREE DAYS LATER is here!

Take time to pray for someone who has been wounded or hurt that the overwhelming ministry of Love the Holy Spirit brings will produce healing out of that wound.

-I receive the love of God.
– My life is patterned after Christ, producing the kind of results He produced.
– Love has won over pain and my transformation/healing is glorious.
-Daily, I receive an increasing revelation of the significance of the cross.
-I have received a hope that is immune to disappointment and pain and heartache.
-I’m moving on today!
-I’m making progress!
-My heart is preserved!
– I am daily loaded with benefits. Testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works. Hallelujah!

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to The Believers Heart – Service >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud