January 18, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

18th January 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

KEY SCRIPTURE/MEMORY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 2:15-16(NIV)
The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

For many of us, a new year begins with a sense of excitement and potential. We set goals and we put down certain resolutions. These are not bad in themselves but it’s only a part of the equation. The most important part of the equation is your consistency in applying yourself to those goals and will eventually determine your results.

We’ve heard over and again that man is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body.
If a man shares his goals with another man, he has the capacity to understand what is shared because of the presence of a human spirit in him too which makes it easy to get contributions from other people or be held accountable and eventually acheive the goal.

As believers, we have a greater advantage because of God’s spirit. Our spirit houses God’s spirit, the Spirit of Christ and this means there is capacity for communication and understanding between us and God just like we do with men.
This means that the benefits that our network or human interaction contributes to achieving our goals is nothing compared to the unlimited possibilities we get from our union with the Spirit of Christ.
In fact, the work of the Spirit will make you do more. But if you depend on your blueprint or your plans, you will limit the power of the Holy Spirit.

In Romans 7:5, scripture calls the unbelievers life, mere physical lives and then tells us that the life of the believer is the supernatural life. As a believer, you’ve got to move from the place of depending on your natural ability to the supernatural ability that the Spirit supplies.

The problem today is that we are in the age where we think we are intelligent enough, sufficient enough, we want to analyse everything, we want it to make sense our way but there is no place for natural logic and analysis in the gospel.
We no longer produce results from our sufficiency but His sufficiency! (2 Corinthians 3:5)
Stop calculating the trajectory of your year and yield to the Spirit. Let Him direct your calculation.

Listen, you can become so accustomed to the leading of the Holy Spirit that it becomes your only way of thinking.
If you travel with the vehicle of the Spirit, it puts the weight on Christ and the victory He has won for you. And because you are travelling this way, you will be backed by the energy of the Spirit which automatically means that you will be unstoppable. (2 Thessalonians 1:12)

It’s not to late to maximize your advantage.
Today, this week, this month, use your advantage. Let those goals take on the shape of the mind of Christ as you discern by the help of the Spirit.

Today, take out your written goals(Now’s the time to do this exercise if you haven’t already), pray in the spirit and get ready to receive pictures and ideas to run with this year.

I am in Christ.
I have the Spirit of Christ.
Divine wisdom, resources, strategies and witty inventions dwell on my inside.
I have the advantage.
I am backed by the force of the Spirit.
My ideas and goals are filled with His own energy.
I break my own records this year.
I enjoy predictable outcomes.
I enjoy unlimited possibilities by the Spirit.
Greater Glory is here.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to The Mind of Christ >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud