January 19, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

19th January 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

‘So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.’

As we go about living, there are two general ways we minister the gospel to our world; in our deeds and in our words. These two ways are essential and inseparable but many of us tend to exalt one above the other.
We either focus our energy entirely on just preaching and teaching the gospel without actually sharing our lives with anyone, or we take the “My life is an example” approach. We say to ourselves- “I am a living epistle afterall.” and hardly actively preach the gospel.

Listen, neither of these extremes is fruitful. Focusing only on words is like having a perfect blueprint without an actual building. We must all be in the journey of allowing our lives mirror and represent the very words we preach, and at the same time, we must not hesitate to share the gospel everywhere we find ourselves.

In our text, Paul expressly says that he not only imparted the gospel in words, but he also imparted his life. The ministry of the new covenant does not stop at beautifully preaching Christ, it compels us to also share our lives with the people God has entrusted to us. This sharing is birthed from a foundation of love and affection for the people. As the Holy Spirit ministers love to us, we extend that love to others.

Sharing our lives means becoming our “Christ-selves”. It means expressing the fruit of the Spirit of Christ, putting the needs of others before ours, having genuine heartfelt compassion for people, loving others as Christ has loved us. At the same time, we must take advantage of every opportunity to proclaim the good news of salvation in its purest form.

2 Corinthians 2:14 says that because of our victory in Christ, through us, the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ is now spread everywhere.

This was how Jesus lived while He walked this earth. And He is our perfect example of doing and teaching.
So as we desire to live out our reality as believers who now have the same perception/mind as Christ, we must not forget that it is God who works in us and help us to become. (Philippians 2:13)

Do you think you are operating from the extreme of words or deeds? Where do you need to establish the balance?

I am in Christ.
I am a living epistle.
I am enriched by Him in all utterance and knowledge.
I am empowered to minister the gospel both in word and in deed.
I do not hold back.
I make full proof of my ministry.
I refuse to be weary in well-doing.
God is in me helping me become like Him.
I have love for all the saints.
My progress is evident to all.
My life testifies that the gospel works!
I am blessed!

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to The Mind of Christ >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud