13th July 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.
Can you imagine if every believer was grounded in the assurance that they’ve been loved completely? It means there wouldn’t be questions or uncertainties about eternal fate. Instead, we will be deeply convinced that the day we became born-again, we received the irrevocable promise of eternal life that makes us confident.
There’s an interesting way Ephesians puts it. In Chapter 1 verse 13, the Bible says you have been sealed with the gospel of your salvation.
Sealed! This speaks of finality. And not just by anything, but sealed with the Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of your inheritance.
Look, this thing is not about you.
Making heaven is not about you. All you did was believe and the moment you did, you were sealed.
So, the gospel gives you assurance of salvation.
Of full salvation, not just salvation at the beginning but till the end.
You are heaven bound.
I don’t know what gospel you heard if you think the Holy Spirit will unseal you because of something you did or did not do. You have been sealed!
I love how the New Living Translation(NLT)puts it;
And now you Gentiles have also heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago
The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him.
Child of God, you must be rooted in the understanding that this gospel of your salvation came with a guarantee. A sealed guarantee.
You ought to live each day knowing that you have received a life-long assurance.
This is what the gospel produces.
Do I know and believe that I am heaven bound?
-I believe in the good news of the gospel, that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus has announced the provision of forgiveness of my sins.
-I don’t just know the gospel, I live the gospel. I am transformed by the gospel. The gospel is working through me.
-The hearing of the gospel produces the fruits of Genuine Faith, Love for all the Saints and Hope of a Guaranteed Future in me.
-The fruits of the gospel are not a product of my ability but are generated supernaturally.
-The gospel produces assurance of salvation in my heart. Of full salvation, till the end.
-I am confident in the irrefutable promise of eternal life. I am not unsure about my eternal fate or if I’d make heaven.
-I am heaven bound!
-I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
-The Holy Spirit is my lifelong assurance that I have been saved and that I will experience eternal life without fear of judgement.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Fruits of the Gospel 5>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud