6th July 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
This is how we have discovered love’s reality: Jesus sacrificed his life for us. Because of this great love, we should be willing to lay down our lives for one another.
The reason why it is important to remind yourself that you’ve got what it takes to love is because identity births transformation.
Look, if you understand that what the seed of the gospel in you causes you to bear is love, then you will know that hating is not in your identity and the more you are conscious of your identity, the easier it is not to express a nature that is alien to you.
Our text today tells us that the way we discovered or recognized the reality of love was in Jesus laying down His life for us and because He did, we also ought to do the same for others.
I know that some of these lessons we are learning about love may seem hard but you know what Romans 7 is all about? It speaks about the impossibility of a man to live the Christian life. It shows you that it’s impossible to be a Christian by yourself.
You see Paul saying in verse 15, “That which I want to do, I find myself not doing it, that which I don’t want to do, I find myself doing it.”
But when he goes to Romans 8, he says, “There is therefore now no more condemnation to those who are in Christ.” and then he begins to tell you how the Spirit of God helps you live the life that was impossible for you to live in the preceding chapter.
Listen friends, everything that you see here is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. I don’t want you to scan your life through your history and say, “Have I even loved before that the Bible now expects me to lay down my life for others?”
No, you must understand that this love is generated by God’s Spirit in you and this love will make you unselfish. In fact, you’ll move from being selfish to selfless. It will be a transition from me, myself and I to a genuine concern for others that is expressed without expecting anything in return.
And you will do this because you’ve kept in view what Christ has done for you.
If He gave His life, then you too can.
It is impossible to live the Christian life by myself so I yield to the help of God’s Spirit.
-I believe in the good news of the gospel, that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus has announced the provision of forgiveness of my sins.
-I don’t just know the gospel, I live the gospel. I am transformed by the gospel. The gospel is working through me.
-The hearing of the gospel produces the fruits of Genuine Faith, Love for all the Saints and Hope of a Guaranteed Future in me.
-The fruits of the gospel are not a product of my ability but are generated supernaturally.
-I come into the progressive discovery of what love is by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
-Love is my identity. I am conscious of my identity and do not express any nature that is alien to who I am.
-I yield to God’s Spirit to live the Christian life.
-I keep in view what Christ has done. Because Jesus gave His life for me, I give my life for others too.
-As I yield to God’s Spirit, I am able to love without reservations or self-interest or expectations.
-This is my daily experience.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Fruits of the Gospel 5>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud