May 28, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

28th May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”

I’ve had a few people ask me this question about the fate of a good person when they die. Someone says, “Oh my uncle is the nicest person I know. He is morally upright, loved by many, a well-known philanthropist and always fights for what is right in the community. How is it that his eternal fate is still not secure because he doesn’t believe in Jesus?”

And you see, everytime this kind of conversation happens, it moves me deeply. It reminds me of the plight of the unsaved no matter how good they are.
Look at how John 3:18 puts it;
“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”
The Bible is absolutely clear on this. It says they are condemned already.

So, if not believing in Jesus is the standard for being condemned, then compassion for the eternal fate of people around us ought to be a burden we carry as believers. It ought to break our hearts. Especially for the morally upright ones whom the world has declared okay and deserving of heaven on the basis of their goodness.
Hear me, good people don’t go to heaven, saved people do. No one can earn acceptance with God on the basis of how moral they are.

Let’s get practical- how many people in your circle have not heard the gospel, let alone gotten a chance to believe in Jesus?
How does it make you feel? Does your heart break at the thought of their fate? Do you feel hopeless or do you burn with passion to preach the gospel to them? Do you see this as an opportunity to bring salvation to that man, that woman, that child, that household that will in turn, bring about the salvation of generations to come? Do you realize that they will perish if they don’t believe in Jesus?(John 3:16)

Friends, we can’t be casual about this. In fact, being moved about the plight of the unsaved isn’t all. Don’t stop at your heart being broken for them, you have to bring the message of the gospel to them. You may assume that they’ve already heard the gospel before and have refused to accept Jesus but that’s not okay.
Go to that person and share the good news to them today! Again!
People need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ that saves and how can they hear without a preacher?
You are that preacher. Fulfill your duty.

What will I do today about the plight of the unsaved around me?

-I believe the gospel is God’s only tool for saving the world.
-I am convinced that believing in Jesus is the only way to escape eternal judgment and condemnation.
-Therefore, I am passionate about preaching the goodnews of Jesus. My heart breaks for what breaks God’s heart which is men perishing without being saved.
-Daily, I am fired up to do something about the plight of the unsaved, especially for the morally upright individuals.
-I am empowered for the work of evangelism.
-I win souls in millions for the kingdom.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to Soul Winning >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud