9th May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
My beloved brothers and sisters, the passionate desire of my heart and constant prayer to God is for my fellow Israelites to experience salvation.
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend of mine about the plight of anyone who dies without the saving knowledge of Jesus. And he said to me- “When people are in their dying beds, what they are thinking about is not necessarily how much they have or what they’ve achieved. Rather, its relational thoughts. That is, thoughts on the state of their relationships- relationship with friends & family, relationship with people, relationship with God. This is what fills the heart of anyone meditating on their dying bed”
And I agree with him. And its the reason why we must preach to people the most important aspect of their life which is the salvation of their souls.
Another effective motivation for soul-winning is the heart of the believer.
Paul had a very strong passion for people to the point that he wished he could give up his own salvation for the salvation of his countrymen(Romans 9:1-4)
In the same way, believers ought to rise up with a passion for Nigeria, a passion for Africa. A deep-seated desire that will manifest in what you do, how you pray and how you feel.
Friends, without compassion for the lost, we will never be moved to win souls.
Some of our fathers had this passion and the moment they got saved, they were eager to share this message with everyone around them, they planted churches in their locality out of this passion.
We may not need to go as far as our city but right there in your office, your school, passion needs to well up for your colleagues or schoolmates who are lost and prayerfully desire that they come to this saving knowledge.
Even though we know Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles specifically, he still prayed earnestly for the salvation of Israel(See our text). And this should be your prayer too. That God grants you the wisdom to persuade those colleagues in your workspace or that student in your school or even that family member.
We need to have a heart for the people God has placed around us.
And you know, Jesus who is our example, was also moved with this same compassion for the lost and He immediately acted on that.
You know sometimes, God brings us into places but rather than see the opportunity to fill the void in their lives with the saving knowledge and power of Jesus, we see other things. We see avenues to make money, we see relationships but the primary question or reality you need to see when you get connected with someone or people is to see the state of their soul. And once you can tell that this person is not saved, its a call to reach out and preach the gospel.
John Wesley once said-
“You have one business on earth- To save souls.”
You are not just a businessman in that space or a student in that school. Your primary call is to win souls and you must do it with every thing in your life- career, marriage, education, business, looks, cab/bus rides etc.
We must be sensitive to opportunities for the gospel and quick to maximize them.
Does the plight of the unsaved well up passion and compassion that moves me to share the gospel with those around me?
-I believe the gospel is God’s only tool for salvation.
-Passion and compassion constantly wells up in my heart for the lost and I leap at the chance to persuade them about the gospel of Christ.
-I am sensitive to opportunities for the gospel and I am quick to maximize them.
-My committment to the gospel is relentless and through me, people come to experience all the good things that the blood of Jesus has mediated for them.
-I am faithful in the business of soul-winning and I make profit of souls in millions for the Kingdom.
-Daily, I enjoy the advantage and dividends of the gospel.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Soul Winning 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud