May 4, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

4th May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

The reason why its so important to maximize every tool of trade in spreading the gospel is that this season of disruption we are currently in, is actually a call for the body of Christ to rise up and speak the truth of the gospel to the nations.
We need to declare the gospel of peace to the nations.

While the running commentary on the global death toll is cause for concern, I’ve been even more concerned that people WHO ARE NOT SAVED are dying.
That’s a bigger cause for concern and this is where our passion as believers should come in.
Everyday, people are dying without the knowledge of Jesus. Think about this.
So, although my prayer and desire is for people to be healed and to receive vitality, much more, my desire is that people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus.

If you’ve observed, our conversations over the past few months till date have been significant in stirring our hearts to really appreciate what God did for us in Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and how important it is for everyone to know this and experience it too.
Dear friends, its a call.
A call to evangelize through as many non-traditional channels as possible. A call to pray for the nations, believing that more lives will keep changing by the hearing of the gospel(Colossians 1:6).

Look, you must know that the nations are ripe for harvest. So we’ve got to awaken to this call and passion.
From our text today, we see that there has never been a harvest problem but the prayer has always been that God will raise labourers.
The harvest is already prepared but if labourers don’t rise up and declare the message, the harvest will perish.
The world needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, they need to see what Christ has done for them.
So, we as labourers ought to witness to others as well as intercede that they come to the revelation of Jesus.

Any believer who is active in the ministry of reconciliation is wise and will be productive because you understand God’s investment. You understand that God spent Jesus to buy mankind back and is eagerly awaiting to receive the dividends of that investment, in the form of men, women, children who will turn to Him and receive this new life He promises those who believe in Him.

And so, you are running with this mandate.
Proverbs 11:30 says that the righteous(you & I) are like a tree that bears fruit and gives life. It also says he who wins a soul is wise.
It is impossible to be involved in the work of harvest of souls and not be wise and fruitful.

Friends, let’s win souls for God. The harvest is really ready.
Don’t wait any longer. Sign up as a labourer and disciple someone in the gospel today.

The harvest is ready. What’s keeping me from signing up?

-I believe the gospel is God’s only tool for salvation.
-I have all I need to win souls for Jesus. I have been empowered to preach the gospel.
-I am an active labourer, playing my part and making progress with the harvest.
-I declare the gospel boldly and I pray fervently for people to reecive the revelation of the gospel.
-I am an unashamed messenger of the good news. Daily, I am fired up to share this good news.
-I am committed to the good news campaign so that people can experience all the good things that the blood of Jesus has mediated for them.
-I win souls in millions for the Kingdom.
-Daily, I enjoy the advantage and dividends of the gospel.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to Soul Winning 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud