19th MARCH 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
_ “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”_
A couple of weeks ago, the devotional lesson for the day left us with a question. The question was;
“What’s your WHY for service?”
And we saw from that lesson that it is important for the love of God to be the source of every believer’s reason for service.
The reason this is so important is that service is like the engine oil of the Christian faith and Jesus, who is our example, demonstrated this throughout His time here on earth.
The disposition of your heart matters a great deal for everything including service.
If love is the source of your service as a believer, it would be selfless with no hidden agenda or ulterior motive.
The quality of your service is a direct product of the state of your heart and this is why it is so important to guard your heart that regardless of challenges or offences, your service is backed by the love of God you’ve received and your response to that love.
Selfless service will not necessarily come from a place of preparedness or perfection but most times from the place of our vulnerability and failings because you have directed the focus from self to the love of God as the engine for your service.
Whereas, the world we live in teaches us to hide our scars or any form of imperfection or weakness, it is different in this kingdom.
God uses even our imperfections as His tool to reach others. Look at how Paul puts it in 2 Corinthians 12:9.
From our text today, we see Jesus asking Peter to serve his brethren even after denying Him. The scar of denial became the tool to lift others. Regardless of your past or the scars, there is room for you to express your giftings without fear or guilt.
We will have scars in this world but God called us to service and if we spend our time dwelling on them we may never experience what God will do through those experiences.
Guess what, your scars may not necessarily disappear but you can yield to God’s work through your service and be a blessing from that place of weakness.
Serve with your scars.
Pray for strength for yourself and every other minister in God’s kingdom that grace is multiplied to them in their weakest, toughest places.
-I have received the love of God.
– As my heart is strengthened by the revelation of this love, my service has become an inspired response to this love.
-I am always ready and equipped for good works.
– Strength is made perfect for weakness in my place of service.
– Grace is multiplied to me always, superimposing my scars.
– No fear, offense or any other challenge in service will distract me from serving with all my heart.
– I stand perfect and complete in all of God’s will for my life.
– I am daily loaded with benefits. Testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works. Hallelujah!
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to The Believers Heart – Service >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud