13TH MARCH 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Two days ago, when we talked about weapons formed against the believer(Isaiah 54:17), we came to see that we have a superior ammunition that enables us counter the weapon of the devil.
And if you remember, we said that the believer can weild this superior ammunition against the weapon/voice of judgement by condemning it.
How do you condemn? You speak back the truth of God’s word/promise!
Why do you have the confidence to speak and condemn?
Scripture tells us at the end of verse 17 that it is our heritage, it is a benefit we enjoy because our righteousness is of God.
Are you the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21)?
Then you can exercise authority to condemn.
Hear me, it is so important that you give no room for the weapon of those thoughts without firing back the truth of the promise.
In our text today, scripture tells us that evil communication corrupts good manners/habits. Remember what we said about the roadmap to transformation- that what you hear or see can ultimately affect your habits.?
Look, evil talk can mess up a good heart.
So, never say, “It doesn’t matter what people say to me. I know where I am.”
No, you ought to be careful of what you allow come in through your ear gates whether or not you think you can handle it.
Be careful what is said to you and what you say to others.
This is why it is important to not entertain gossip. It never profits anyone.
If you keep hearing negativity, impossibility, flaws, it can corrupt your heart.
Why do you think the spirit of the New Testament is different from the Old?
For example, in the Old, scripture records that Sarah laughed at the promise and lied that she did not, but in Hebrews 11:11, scripture says she judged God faithful and believed the promise.
Wait a minute! The same Sarah?
Listen, the spirit of the New Testament inspires.
The difference between the old testament prophet and the new, is the perspective of the cross!
Revelations 19:10 puts it this way;
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
So the spirit of prophesy must testify of Christ and the concluded victory we have come to in Him.
The purpose of prophesy is to edify, comfort, encourage, strengthen(1 Corinthians 14:3).
Don’t be carried away by the accuracy of a prophecy that speaks negativity to you.
In this dispensation, the only way God is speaking is by His son, Jesus (Hebrews 1:1)
Dear believer, refuse to accept any prophesy that is contrary to what God has said to you in the person of Jesus.
I make a commitment to condemn every negative thought.
-I am a son. I have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. Therefore, I have authority to condemn any weapon formed against me.
-I keep careful watch over what is said to me and what I say to others.
-I maintain and guard the state of my heart from the contamination of negative talk or evil report.
-The cross is my standpoint. Therefore, I am not carried away by prophecies that are contrary to the person of Christ and what He has said.
-I only give and receive prophecies that comfort, encourage and strengthen.
-Christ has qualified me for all of God’s promises so I focus on the promise and not the problem.
-Today, I enjoy daily benefits and testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works. Hallelujah!
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to The Believers Heart – Instruct Your Heart >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud