7th February 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
KEY SCRIPTURE/MEMORY VERSE: Romans 2:4 (NKJV) Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?
Naturally speaking, when we get offended, what many of us do is try to prove a point that justifies our anger and feeds our ego so that when we are done dealing with the offender, we make that person see the reason why he should not try it again, for as long as he lives.
Sound familiar?
But did you know that by taking offense when someone offended you, you have reduced yourself to that level?
You have reduced your love standard.
Think about it.
In I John 3:14, the Bible says we have passed from spiritual death to spiritual life because we love.
How do we know that you are born again? How can we tell that you are saved? It’s when you Love.
That’s what the Spirit of Christ pervades. When people come in contact with you, they can trace your love response to a Christ nature.
Guess what? Love is not cheap. Love is not mere talk. Love is something you give your heart to.
You submit to love actually.
Here’s why I say submission- You see, many times, you know what love would do and you know what you want to do. Two different responses.
You want to do what you want to do but since you know what love will do, you submit.
I agree that in dealing with offense, there’s a place for correction, no doubt. In fact, scripture says it is he whom the Father loves that He corrects. (Hebrews 12:6).
But there’s a difference between the Love that rebukes(which builds) and a supposed Love response that wants to justify the pull of your natural self.
In our text, the riches of God’s goodness actually refers to Love.
What does Love do when it’s offended?
Love will win the offender back.
How did Jesus win you? He kept on being good until you got convinced and you fell for Him. His goodness softened your heart to repentance.
Listen, the Spirit of love will attract it’s kind.
If you sow in love, you will reap.
It’s like when a guy is trying to woo a girl, in spite of how poorly she treats him, he keeps buying the gifts, he keeps showing her goodness. One day, that cup of that goodness will get to her and win her over.
As a man in Christ, this is not something you need to become, you already are. You are rich in goodness.
The only way you are going to live it out is by your consciousness of it.
The way you win someone who is in conflict with you is by love.
Sometimes, we think that making an issue out of an offense will get the person to be sorry(which is what you really want) but no, it’s Love that will do this.
The way to reconciliation is to go after the one who has offended you in love.
In my response to offenses, do I reduce my love standard or operate from my love standard?
-I am in Christ. His nature of Love dwells in me.
-Daily, I submit to Love. There are no off days.
-By the help of God’s Spirit, I receive correction well.
-I go the way of love and win by love.
-I refuse to reduce my love standard.
-I am rich in goodness. I am an overflowing channel of the goodness and love.
-This is my reality and my new normal.
-Today, testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to LOVE ~ The Series 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud