6th September 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
It is important to realize that just like with Satan’s temptation of Jesus, the bone of contention is not in trying to prove your ability or prove your identity.
It was not about Jesus’ ability to do the miraculous of turning stone to bread. No. It was to question if He was truly the son of God so there is always a conversation of sonship, of identity.
Some people are so quick to show their own glory. “Let them know that I am called of God and I carry the anointing.”
Listen, it’s not about that.
Proverbs 25:27 says anyone who seeks his own glory has not found glory at all. Don’t seek it. Let people say you are kind or humble instead of you announcing your humility. It’s not glory when you talk about your own glory and if nobody is speaking of it, you have no glory.
So whilst you have glory in Christ, it’s not in the manifest.
So the approach of Satan is not on the surface. It’s more than what’s obvious. This means when he is passing thoughts and ideas to you that’s when his trickery is at play. He had heard the public announcement of Jesus as God’s son so he coined it from there and said, “If you are the son of God.”
Think about it, have you found out that when the devil is trying to speak to your mind, he will even cut out a part of scripture and he will use that to fulfill your own lustful desires? And when you give in or fall prey, his goal gets accomplished.
This is why the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13 is so profound and instructional.
Look at the way Jesus described that parable, someone sowed good seeds and went to sleep, but by the time they awoke, someone had sowed tares and Jesus is so clear in His response. In verse 28, He says “…an enemy has done this.”
And here’s the real challenge, both are so similar that it is difficult to differentiate between the wheat and the tares until harvest time.
Look, the words or ideas that the devil sows are similar to the counsel of God so you must be learn to look beyond the surface.
See through the obvious and interprete.
Do I see through ideas or thoughts or do I interpret from the surface alone?
-I believe in the good news of the gospel and my life is hinged on the truth of the gospel.
-I am deliberate about my thought life. I refuse to wield any thought power to the devil to influence me with tricky ideas.
-I will not be ignorant of the devil’s tricks and strategies. I am grounded in the revelation of my identity and do not entertain tests designed to prove my identity.
-I am not driven by glory or the pursuit of praise and accolades.
-I see through the obvious and I look beyond the surface of any and every idea.
-And because of the already concluded victory of Christ, I win always!
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Another Idea>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud