28th July 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.
Yesterday, we spoke about worldliness and how easy it is for a believer to slip into it if he isn’t intentional about his priorities.
Now, let me help someone today, if there is no change in your former addictions, begin to seek from today that you are crucified to the world and the world is crucified to you.
Hear me, you have to reckon yourself dead.
Whenever you catch yourself returning to the wrong priorities, speak to yourself, affirm that you are dead to worldliness.
Whatever form of worldliness manifests in your life, from sex to money to drug/alcohol abuse to the feeling of importance, let it die!
I’m not talking about a healthy, Christ-esteem, I’m talking about the need to be important over things that are not necessary, things that lead nowhere.
For example, you walk into a place and want to be noticed. Listen, you’re not defined by those things or what you own. Scripture tells us that in the early church, people sold their possessions and brought the proceeds to be used to cater for those in need(Acts 2:45).
Sometimes, it might even be a temptation for a pastor. Because of the office you are operating from, there can be the tendency to be condescending on the people because of the package and entourage you came with.
No, these souls you’re coming to minister to, are precious and priceless. He bought them with His own blood as He did you the pastor. So you are not more important than them.
Friends, you’ve got to learn to catch yourself.
You are crucified.
You don’t like the world, the world shouldn’t like you either.
Yes, you can attract the world but they wouldn’t find your ways cool. There ought to be something about your light that will blind them to darkess and bring them to Christ.
Oh Hallelujah!
See the way the Message translation describes our text;
“For my part, I am going to boast about nothing but the Cross of our Master, Jesus Christ. Because of that Cross, I have been crucified in relation to the world, set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others and fitting into the little patterns that they dictate.”
Look, we are not governed by the world.
So don’t do as they do. Don’t fall into the trap of pleasing others.
You have to be godly. Both in your disposition and in your lifestyle.
Do I reckon myself crucified and dead to the world or am I still under the bondage of satisfying the world’s dictates?
-I believe in the good news of the gospel, that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus has announced the provision of forgiveness of my sins.
-I don’t just know the gospel, I live the gospel. I am transformed by the gospel. The gospel is working through me.
-The hearing of the gospel produces the fruits of Genuine Faith, Love for all the Saints and Hope of a Guaranteed Future in me.
-The fruits of the gospel are not a product of my ability but are generated supernaturally.
-The fruit of the gospel produces and fires up a love for the Father in me.
-Both my interest in the world and the world’s interest in me has been crucified. I am dead to worldliness.
-I reckon myself dead. I actively seek the manifestation of this crucifixion.
-I put to death any form of worldliness that seeks to manifest.
-The world does not find me attractive or likable. Rather, my light shines so brightly that souls are turned from darkness into Christ.
-I have a healthy Christ-esteem. I am set free from the temptation to please the stifling dictates of the world.
-I am not governed by the world. I am godly.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Fruits of the Gospel 5>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud