12th June 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
We thank him because we have heard about the faith you have in Christ Jesus and the love you have for all of God’s people.
Yesterday, we saw that the awareness of the object of our faith, what God did through Jesus, causes love to well up.
And this brings me to another authentic marker that the gospel produces- LOVE.
When you think about it, the gospel is actually the declaration of God’s love(John 3:16).
But you must know that the gospel produces the kind of faith that doesn’t stop halfway.
For the apostate, that is, the person who believed and stopped believing, here’s what I think- sometimes when you think people have stopped believing, they actually haven’t stopped. They are probably just angry with God and lashing out in pain, but they didn’t necessarily stop believing. Or you see some people become Muslims because of business, deep in their hearts, they know who they’ve believed in and who is true even when they observe those rites and prayers.
You know, I think that when we get to heaven, we will see a lot of people in heaven, people who we never thought would make it as we like to say. So my submission is, if someone gets to the point where he draws back, it is very likely that he wasn’t really saved in the first place because genuine faith will always persevere to the end. It’s a reflection of the One who saved you!
Hebrews 7:25 tells us that God is able to save to the uttermost- fully, forever and till eternity!
You see, even when you lose your way, the workings of the Spirit will navigate to bring you back. That no matter how far you go, the love of God will reach you and bring you back on track. That even if you are not a serious believer your heart is still on track on whom you believe in. Some of you can attest to this.
So genuine faith, will last and take you to the end.
Now, look at what our text says. It speaks of love in a certain way. A love whose expression isn’t limited.
I’ve got a question for you- How many of us really want to be transformed by the gospel and bear the authentic fruit that it is capable of producing?
Do you want to see the gospel of Jesus working through you?
How many of us want to know and live the gospel?
Then it means that when you believe the gospel, you are going to receive the love of God which will in turn, expand your heart to give.
So the gospel will have you receive first before giving. You can’t give without receiving.
In the first place, the reason why we love Him or can love is because He loved first(1 John 4:19). Even the faith that you say you have was supplied to you. In fact, your faith didn’t begin with you, it began with the faith of Christ(Galatians 2:20).
So dear believer, you must realize that He does everything first and then you respond in return because of what He has done.
That is the gospel.
First, receive.
I need to first receive before I can give.
-I believe in the gospel, therefore the seed of the gospel produces fruit in my life.
-This gospel produces the genuine markers of authentic believers; of Faith, Love and Hope in me.
-My faith is not my faith but the faith of Christ supplied to me. Therefore it perseveres to the end.
-I have been saved to the uttermost- fully, forever and till eternity!
-I don’t just know the gospel, I live the gospel. I am transformed by the gospel. The gospel is working through me.
-I receive first and then I respond by giving. I am equipped to love God and people just like He does because He first loved me.
-As the gospel produces enduring faith and love for all saints through me, God is glorified and the gospel is testified of.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Fruits of the Gospel 2 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud