April 19, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

19th April 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Its amazing to know that the blood of Jesus has delivered us from guilt trips because His blood washed our conscience(Hebrews 9:14).
But guess what? There’s more to this that is so liberating.
You see, the word “remission” means to blot away. That is, to totally obliterate! This means our sin no longer exists.
So the question is- Can you be guilty of something that God does not remember?(Isaiah 43:25)
How can you be guilty of something that does not exist?(Colossians 2:14).
Do you see why guilt has lost it’s power?
Oh Hallelujah!

You see, what the lie of guilt does is that it traps you in a cycle. So if you feel God is angry with you and you need to hide from Him out of guilt for your wrongdoing, the temptation is there to remain in that sinful act. This is why Satan’s concern is not just the act of sin but the guilt it leaves. It’s a trap.

But when you live from the understanding that God is not interested in taking you on any guilt trips, it changes perspective. You don’t see yourself as defenseless or vulnerable to sin’s power anymore.
Friends, this is why you must reckon yourself as dead. Let it become a ritual. Let the habit of using the new password become an habit you can’t unlearn.
This is how to be grounded in the confidence that you are no longer a slave to sin but now a servant of righteousness(Romans 6:18). What controls you now is the power to live right.

Hear me, you must know that God finds no fault in you. You stand holy and blameless before Him(Ephesians 1:4).
The righteousness He conferred on you means you can now stand side by side with Jesus and feel no sense of inferiority.
Scripture says you are now under grace, not under the law(Romans 6:14).
If you are free from the law, then this means you are free from the guilt that the law brings.
So we are not under the dispensation of condemnation anymore. The Bible calls it the ministry of condemnation in 2 Corinthians 3. We’ve come into a new ministry- The ministry of righteousness.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!
Praise God!

In this new dispensation, you can run to God and not away from Him in guilt when you fall. And the reason is because He doesn’t count it against you and His position will never change. God is eternally reconciled to you. To change this position, you’d have to go back in time to undo what Jesus did and because you can’t undo His sacrifice on the cross, God’s position towards you cannot change.

Don’t say- “If only you know where I’m coming from.” Look, it doesn’t matter. Jesus has come through a longer road to save you. So you have been delivered from guilt no matter how long it has been.
God has thrown your sins into the sea of forgetfulness(Micah 7:19)
Now, you have the power to live right, the power over sin, guilt and there is no condemnation against you.
That’s what the blood of Jesus has done for us!
Rejoice and put your faith here.

Take a few minutes to reckon yourself as dead to sin and rejoice in the truth that you are righteous in Christ.

-I am a new man in Christ.
-Christ’s blood has provided remission of sins for me. God has no recollection of my sin.
-His blood has cleansed my conscience. I have been freed from guilt.
-By the blood, I have been set free from the power of sin, the action of sin and the nature of sin.
I now have the power to live right.
-I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! I am a servant of righteousness.
-There is no condemnation against me. I am holy and blameless. God finds no fault in me.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to Blood Series 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud