April 17, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

17th April 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

When Jesus’s blood destroyed that sin factory and reduced your nature of sin to rubble, there’s something interesting that scripture says it does in Hebrews 9:14. It says- The blood of Christ cleanses our conscience from dead works.
That is, it frees us from the worry of having to obey the rules by our own effort and falling short. And it enables us to serve God freely.

It’s no longer a performance-driven relationship. You are already dead to sin. How can you produce a different result?(Romans 6:2)
If I put you and a dead man in a room and money gets missing. Who do I hold responsible? The one who is alive of course! The dead man can’t steal.
Look, as He died, you also died with Him. It’s the gospel of inclusion(Galatians 2:20).

Let me tell you what the Christian life is. The Christian life isn’t you trying to be like Christ, the Christian life is Christ living His life through you. So all you need to do is just allow Him.
In fact, spiritual maturity is the end you come to yourself to the degree that He can live through you.
Galatians 2:20 tells us that the life we live now is by the faith OF the son of God. Meaning that He is the one living Himself out of me.
To be mature, you need to stay dead.

Have you realized that babies are the ones who are given to responding to every impulse? They want to satisfy every craving and have got no control over their response. So, it’s only babies that are given to sin actions easily. Bitterness, malice, anger, lying, strife-those are babies.
So the degree to which you can kill yourself is the degree that you will see the life of Christ inside of you.

You are no longer slaves to sin. Looking at verses 6-7 of that passage in Romans, we see that the body of sin, the factory has been reduced to rubble. And anyone who has died has been freed from sin.
The question is- are you dead?
No, that’s not to scare you. Think about it.
Are you dead?
Has the body of sin in you been put to death?
Then, inpute it into your mind that this has been dealt with. Replace the information. Change your response settings.
Reckon yourself dead so that when temptation to sin comes, you can tell yourself- “Oh, I’m dead to that!”

So, on God’s part, He has by the blood of Jesus, crucified the body of sin and granted you eternal redemption. Now, what’s your part?
You reckon yourself dead to that action of sin that seems so natural.
You tell yourself- “I am dead. I won’t respond to this.”
A dead man is unresponsive to sin’s impulses and appeal.

Child of God, listen, the control or influence has changed. Sin no longer controls or reigns over you!
Oh thank God for the blood sacrifice of Jesus!

Am I actively reckoning myself as dead to sin?

-I am a new man in Christ.
-Christ’s blood has redeemed me eternally, granting me remission of sins.
-His blood has cleansed my conscience from dead works.
-I died with Christ. I was included in His death. Therefore, when He rose, He now lives His life through me.
-His faith, His life. Only He exists. I have put on Christ.
-I am dead to sin. The body of sin has been reduced to rubble. My response to sin’s impulse or appeal is dysfunctional forever!
-The control settings have changed! Sin no longer has dominion over me.
-My sins have been forgiven forever!
-Daily, testimonies abound to me because the gospel works.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to Blood Series 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud