29th MARCH 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
But let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which [is not anxious or wrought up, but] is very precious in the sight of God.
From our conversation yesterday on the inner workings of the heart, we see that the heart is like a factory where production is continuous but the believer has a responsibility to perform the role of a quality control officer, to ensure that whatever flows from the heart only mirrors the truth of God’s disposition towards you, in light of His word and His promises.
A few weeks ago, we learned about the roadmap to transformation, and we identified the EMOTIONS as one of the elements that plays a key role in determining outcomes.
This means that the heart is also the seat of emotions. Negative or positive, emotions can be channelled from the heart.
1 Samuel 2:1 tells us that Hannah’s heart rejoiced in the Lord. The emotion of rejoicing she expressed here, was deliberate in spite of what she was facing.
Listen, your emotions can respond to;
▪Sense knowledge (i.e the challenges or
what comes in through your ear/eye gates) or
▪Revelation knowledge (i.e what the word says)
So you must be conscious of what your emotions are responding to or what is triggering them.
If you want your emotions to reflect the state of a heart that is right, that heart has to be seated in revelation but if your emotions are a product of your fears or feelings, you’ll express emotions that are contrary to your identity in Christ.
But a heart that is right will control emotions in line with the revelation of Christ.
Something else that I realize is that the heart is the seat of the inner man. Scripture in I Samuel 16:7, emphasizes the fact that although we live in a sense and appearance-driven world with which a person is defined, God sees differently. He looks at the heart.
And it is what a person’s heart is full of, that his personality would eventually spill over into express his actions/expectations(Matthew 12:34).
I really love the text today. It tells us in clear terms the characteristics of the inner man that is important to God.
Friends, when you got saved, you were given a new heart(Ezekiel 36:26) which is your regenerated spirit as a believer. You’ve got a choice to either let your circumstances respond which will in turn, produce your emotions or let your inner man respond which will be in line with God’s word.
What will you choose?
What are my emotions responding to? The Promise or the Problem? Whose response do I allow? My Spirit/inner man or my circumstances?
-I am a man/woman after God’s heart. I have been given a new heart and a new spirit. I am filled with the likeness of God and it bubbles over.
-I have an incorruptible, gentle and calm spirit that is not anxious.
-Daily, I yield to the discipline of choosing the response of my Spirit man over my natural senses.
-I perform the role of quality control over my emotions.
-My emotions are a product of the revelation of Christ and not what comes in through my eye/ear gates.
-My heart is right. My heart is established in grace.
-Everything that flows out of my heart mirrors the truth of God’s promise to me.
-My heart rejoices in the Lord.
-I guard my heart with the right ammunition- The Word of God.
-Tetimonies abound for me because the Gospel works. Hallelujah!
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to The Believers Heart – Guard Your Heart >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud