Generational blessings-Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
I’m going to talk about generational blessings today and I’m going to go on a journey, please stay with me as i read several scriptures.
Isaiah 51:1;
Genesis 22:16
Genesis 26:3-4
Same promise came to Isaac
Genesis 27:27; Nations are bowing down to me. Scripture says you’ll call to nations and nations you don’t know will come to you.
Genesis 28:12-17; Where you are, you are about to possess it. You will not pay rent for where you are standing. The same promise God gave to Abraham, He gave to Isaac in the preceding texts we read and now this is Jacob, its the same.
God will not leave you till the word comes to pass. You are the man/woman God has helped.
Joseph was actually helped by God.
Genesis 35:9-17; Take this verse as a prayer. A nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you. Kings will rise from your loins, from your body.
This prayer is very critical to our topic on generational blessings. If kings come out of you, it means you are a king.
Psalm 133. 1-3, The picture of how God describes the flow of the oil is the picture of the priest. The oil flows from the head, down the beard and the garment till it gets to the tassels at the end of the garment, so it’s one blessing that breaks into multiple spectrums. It is the blessing that breaks into many parts, into branches.
But the story here is the blessing of Abraham that flows to his sons, Isaac and then Jacob till his 12 sons.
The blessing is broken to several parts.
When I studied the blessing upon the sons of Jacob, i found that there’s every endeavour on earth covered in it. There’s oil and gas, the endeavour of food being served to kings, agriculture etc. There’s nothing you want to do that a word of blessing has not gone ahead of.
God blessed Abraham but you see Abraham could not sustain the blessing because His life was too short, at 175 years. God was looking for who to pass on the blessing to because of the potency of the blessing, so he passed it to Isaac who lived about 180years, to Jacob then finally to his 12sons.
One blessing going through many generations because God is about to make a country. If you see those blessings, you will see yourself there.
The limitations that have followed you through are broken in Christ Jesus and so you are about to break into new levels of generational blessing that God has called you to.
The gospel preceded the law, the preaching of the gospel was first preached to Abraham. Genesis 15:5; Do you remember this story? It refers to “seed” here because Galatians 3 will come later to correct that it wasn’t referring to seeds as of many but seed as of one.
When Abraham looked at the stars, he could tell from the stars that a man would be born and He would be killed and raised to life for a purpose.
Look at verse 6; You cannot have the conversation of righteousness without the gospel.
To recount the stars is to count the stars and be able to tell by the arrangement what was going to happen to the one seed.
God had spoken the gospel to Abraham.
In Genesis 22:4; This is remarkable. God is looking for people who will carry the burden from fathers. If you negotiate territories and position yourself, you can take mantles that fathers are about to drop. People are quick to talk about flaws but not the blessing. You know the blessing is for the body of Christ? There’s something that Living Faith has, that Redeem(RCCG) has, humble yourself and tap. To receive the burden, you must be able to bend your back and receive the training for the calling.
In verse 6, he already saw God speak about the gospel so now, he could say that God will provide Himself a lamb for sacrifice. He spoke from knowledge.
Abraham did this because he saw what God was going to do it in the future. He believed that if he gave his son up as a sacrifice, God was faithful to raise him up.
God was looking for justice. Man had willingly given up to satan so He was looking for a legal ground to release the blessing and restore man back to Himself. He couldn’t very well release the blessing just like that, within the bounds of justice, it would have been tantamount to ojoro. So God was looking for a justified means so that when He takes away the sin of the world by the sacrifice of His son and the devil comes asking, He is justified because if a man could give his son up, then He(God) could give up His own son.
The blessing has to leave the generational blessing of Abraham through the spiritual seed of Christ.
Galatians 3; Your sonship is a faith walk. Do you know why Esau cried for the blessing? He knew what he missed, they had been told by their parents of the blessing that God sent from Abraham.
Esau selling his birthright was not a mere, light thing, he sold his right to be in the lineage of Christ. He despised his connection to Christ, because the blessing was to the seed, the firstborn seed but Jacob positioned himself whether by scheming or by rightness. Look, Abraham lied, Isaac lied, Jacob stole but it didn’t stop the blessing. Remember i told you that the curse is not as powerful as the blessing so your weaknesses cannot stop the blessing.
The first person who saw the stone as church was Jacob. Later, in Peter, he said you are lively stones. Jacob saw a ladder, the connection, a free flow of exchange between the earth and heaven.
You are coming into the actualization of the blessing. You are stepping into the blessing and as you step in, your life cannot be normal, it cannot be ordinary! When the story of a blessed man is told, A cannot join B because its not the regular input-output way that the blessing comes. So Joseph is a man that God has helped.
Those of you who want to live by calculations and logic, God is bigger than calculating and logic.
You see how the blessing begins to work in the life of these men such that strange things begin to happen.
When Jesus spoke about the ascending and descending of angels, He was referring to the spectrums by which the flow will happen.
You are a portal of heaven so the riches of heaven are about to flow through you.
In a strange land, the blessing bounced Joseph back to the throne. There is no place too harsh or difficult for the blessing. You are about to be a seed whose stem will shoot up from the ground.
The blessing was upon Samson and even when the secret of his strength as a Nazarene was taken, his hair began to grow. There is restoration coming back to somebody.
This blessing is the promised Holy Spirit, it means that the blessing of God in Christ Jesus is resting in me.
One blessing; Many spectrums.
Regardless of what you do, there is a prophetic word gone ahead.
Some of you are building a legacy that is for your children’s children.
So when i say generational blessings, I’m saying certain things will start with you and certain things will end with you.
Something has happened to you.
Two scenarios come to mind. Remember when Jesus met the Syrophoenician woman who was asking for her daughter’s healing and Jesus said He wasn’t sent to her, even called her a dog because the connection of the Gentiles and the promise will only happen at the death of Jesus Christ, the will would only take effect when the testator is dead. But the woman knew that somehow this blessing would touch the Gentiles and so she was tenacious, she said even the dogs eat the crumbs from the master’s table. It was startling for Jesus and He said the woman had great faith.
The second scenario is that of the Jewish woman who had been bowed down for a long time. Jesus said, “Ought not this daughter of Abraham be healed?” because the generational blessing was supposed to be her heritage.
Ought not you who is of the seed of Abraham by faith step into the blessing?
Lastly, when God said to Abraham not to kill his son, that a ram had been provided in the thicket, there’s a lesson for us that whilst you are about to do it by your strength, it has already been made available. Grace has been provided.
I’ve got the blessing, living on the inside, working on the outside!