July 7, 2020 Blog Admin
In Devotionals

7th July 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello

Beloved children, our love can’t be an abstract theory we only talk about, but a way of life demonstrated through our loving deeds.

The life of a believer is a life that is designed to be lived sacrificially. In 1 John 3:16, we see where scripture speaks of giving your life, laying down your life for others because Christ laid down His life for us.
Verse 17 goes on to present a practical scenario to and leaves us with a question. How can you say the love of God is in you and you have something someone else needs but decide to hold it back because you are consumed with me, myself and I ?
No. The love of God will push you to go beyond yourself.

I’ve seen self-centered people before and one thing I realize is that self-centered people don’t know that they are self-centered. They’ve got an explanation as to why everything should revolve around them.
It takes the Spirit of God to enlighten your mindset to see that everything has actually revolved around you. What you want, what you feel, what you do, it has just in some way or the other been centered around you. Even your emotions, fears, motivations, it’s always been about you.
Listen friends, move from self-centeredness to selflessness.

And as you love, don’t just love in mere words but in action and in sincerity(I John 3:18).
It’s possible to actually love in words and not in deed because talk is cheap.
One can say, “Oh I love you” but when push comes to shove, you are not there for the people you claim to love. That’s not love.
Love says, “I’m willing to go through the dirt with you. I’m willing to go through the stains with you, willing to put my reputation on the line just because I want to be there for you.”

Proverbs 17 verse 17 tells us that a friend loves at all times and is there for adversity just like a brother. So it’s not just in the words and in blowing kisses, even though these are good, but to love in deed is best.
Let your verbal expression of love match your actions so that when you say, “I love you.”, it’s believable.
Today, decide that you will make the move from a love that’s abstract or theoretical in expression to a love that is practical. And remember, you’ve got what it takes.

Does my expression of love match what I say or is it abstract?

-I believe in the good news of the gospel, that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus has announced the provision of forgiveness of my sins.
-I don’t just know the gospel, I live the gospel. I am transformed by the gospel. The gospel is working through me.
-The hearing of the gospel produces the fruits of Genuine Faith, Love for all the Saints and Hope of a Guaranteed Future in me.
-The fruits of the gospel are not a product of my ability but are generated supernaturally.
-In view of Christ’s sacrifice for me, I am able to give my life for others.
-I am not consumed with only what concerns me. I move from being self-centeredness to selflessness.
I go beyond myself.
-I love sincerely and well. The love I express is not mere talk but is demonstrated in practical deeds.
-I love at all times because the love of God abides in me. I don’t hold back from meeting the needs of others.
-My verbal love expressions match my actions in practice. I love in deed and in truth.

(Recommended Listening)

Listen to Fruits of the Gospel 5>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud