22nd May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will lead you into all truth. He will not speak his own words. He will speak only what He hears and will tell you what will happen in the future.
From our conversation yesterday, we established a fundamental truth regarding the work of the Holy Spirit and I think that this is one truth that believers need to keep in memory. We must be grounded in the understanding that the Holy Spirit will never convict the believer of sin(John 16:10)
He has a mandate and it is to reiterate only the truth of the gospel of Jesus just as our text says.
We must also know that the Holy Spirit’s job description doesn’t only convict the unbeliever of his/her unbelief in Jesus or convict the believer of his nature of righteousness, His role is to also minister judgment to the devil.
In verse 11 of that same chapter, we see that He keeps reminding Satan of his future judgment.
Take note- Satan NOT the Believer.
The believer has been judged already.
I John 4:17 tells us that we have boldness in the day of judgment. Why?
Because we’ve already been judged. And as Christ is, so are we.
So when we pray for or expect the move of the Spirit, He is ministering from three approaches;
■To the sinner: Believe in Jesus.
■To the believer: You are righteous.
Even in the face of your flaws or weakness. When Paul got a negative report concerning the Corinthian church, how did he address them? He called them “Saints of God.”
A saint is not a dead person whose memory we are trying to honour. A saint is someone who is in Christ.
■To the devil: Lake of fire awaits you
Listen, you are righteous. Don’t let anyone deceive you.
Your sins have been forgiven.
Hebrews 10:11-12 shows us that the offering for sin in the old testament was not sufficient to make atonement for sins, it could only cover for a period of time but Jesus has offered a sacrifice for our sins forever.
Forever! Let that sink in.
Dear believer, there is a difference between the blood sacrifice of the old covenant and the blood of Jesus that speaks a better outcome in this new covenant. It’s a game changer.
You must understand what you believe.
You must know that you are righteous, that your sins are forgiven and you must dwell in this reality.
The Holy Spirit reminds me that I am righteous.
-I am a faithful ambassador of Christ. I am diligent to declare the forgiveness of sin and reconciliation God has given us in Christ.
-My position on the gospel is entirely the same as God’s. No additions. No subtractions.
-Because of Jesus, I have come into favour and harmony with God.
-God is no longer angry with me. My sins are forgiven.
-I have been given the nature of righteousness so I live righteously.
-I enjoy the present ministry of the Holy Spirit that reminds me of the righteousness I have received. I am not judged or condemned.
-Daily, I am faithful in the business of soul-winning and I make profit of souls in millions for the Kingdom.
-I enjoy the advantage and dividends of the sacrifice of Jesus.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to What Do I Preach?>> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud