6th May 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went.
The example of the believers we saw in Acts 8 yesterday, is so remarkable and its a strong reminder that persecution is not meant to silence your voice in the preaching of the gospel.
Instead, it is useful in amplifying the message of the good news. So persecution or tough times are not sent by God but He can use it.
A lot of people have been asking- Did God send the pandemic?
My answer is easy- This is clearly not God or the work of God.
The God who loves us is clear about His stand towards humanity. John 3:16 says He so loved the world that He gave His son for us.
Listen, God cannot be in conflict with His personality by sending a plague to wipe the same human race His son died for. That’s just not His nature!
I mean, if God was the one doing it, then we can’t be having conversations about recovery or fighting the pandemic. You don’t shut God down using all the measures we’ve adopted(lockdown and the likes), as good as they are. He is almighty and strong. What could stop Him afterall?
So this is not God.
God’s position towards humanity after the cross has always been a position of love and even before the cross, He has always been a loving father who loves and desires to have a relationship with man. His character is consistent.
And that’s why the message of the gospel must be amplified. If you’ve never heard the gospel you can’t see God properly. It’s the hearing of the gospel that reveals the person of God and His intention towards you.
So this is the work of the devil and we must be clear in our understanding of where this is coming from.
So although sometimes, God does not change certain situations because of what He can do with them, it does not mean He was the one who sent it.
Rather, He can work out good through us;
First, the church will realize its place and rise up to responsibility to put a stop to what’s going on because of the authority we have in Christ.
Because, the truth is, we ought to express the Zoe life that’s on our inside(John 7:38)
Secondly, when the church maximizes this opportunity to preach the gospel to the lost and the dying, God is using it to restore many more sons back to Him.
So it’s working for good.
The thought of people dying with a Christ-less eternity must awaken us to do our job as labourers. And if persecution didn’t stop the early church, then we too must not cease fire. Our commitment to the gospel must remain relentless.
Let the word of Christ remain the song on our lips.
Church auditoriums and gatherings may not be allowed but you are the church and the gate of hell cannot prevail against you(Matthew 16:18)
God is using these times for good. Will you allow Him use you?
Am I willing to be a tool in God’s hands to proliferate the gospel?
-I believe the gospel is God’s only tool for salvation. I am His tool for amplifying the gospel in these times.
-Daily, I am fired up to share this good news. My voice will not be silenced by persecution.
-In tough times, I see God clearly and I declare His consistent character of love knowing that God is not capable of evil.
-God is always good, always working out things for good and I’m available for His use.
-I am a carrier and dispenser of the Zoe life.
-I am an active labourer; I declare the gospel without ceasing and pray fervently for people to reecive the revelation of the gospel.
-My committment to the gospel is relentless and through me, people come to experience all the good things that the blood of Jesus has mediated for them.
-I win souls in millions for the Kingdom.
-Daily, I enjoy the advantage and dividends of the gospel.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to Soul Winning 1 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud