23rd FEBRUARY 2020
Dr. Phil Ransom-Bello
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.
Do you know that as a believer, the reality that you are a love being is not make-believe? It’s your position. You are not trying to be loveable.
Our text today, is so instructional for how we ought to work or conduct ourselves. It speaks of meekness as what should drive our actions.
If we circle back to the fruit of the Spirit which is love, in Galatians 5:22, you’ll find that one of the ways this fruit of love is expressed is in meekness.
The character of meekness is the character of being even-tempered, irrespective of what comes at them. That is, your love response is not reactionary or easily provoked. (1 Corinthians 13:5)
There are some people who serve but you can’t see meekness in the service. In fact, the people they are serving are afraid of them.
You know what Jesus said in Matthew 20:26? He said, “Anyone who wants to be the greatest must be the servant.”
You must serve.
Jesus took off His garment and began to wash the feet of His disciples, the feet which is the lowest part of the body.
When you serve, serve in such a way that people want to work with you. When you have conversations with people, let your conversation be endearing, be so amicable that there is grace in your speech. (Ephesians 4:29)
What this really means is the spirit of the conversation not necessarily the tone or volume of how you say things because there are some people who are naturally loud in their voice but peaceful while there are some people who are quiet but troublesome. They don’t say much but one word from them can upset you.
So I’m not saying you should change the way you talk.
Sripture says let your words be seasoned with salt. That is, your words are preservative. You are very watchful about how the person feels after you speak and careful not to evoke the wrong emotion. Regardless of how you’ve been used to talking, don’t be unaware of how your words leave people.
Don’t let the first thing you say when you meet someone be criticism or what they’ve done wrong. Love believes all things. The point is not that you should pretend but if there are areas of your life where your love response does not reflect meekness, don’t boast about it or lie against the truth (James 3:14). Decide to conform to the truth.
Does my conduct reflect meekness? Are there areas of my life I need to conform to the truth?
-I am a Love being.
-My love is authentic.
-Meekness is worked out in me.
-The words of my mouth are preservative and amicable.
-Daily, I serve as an agent of peace. I do not evoke the wrong emotions in people by my speech or actions.
-I have the nature of Christ and so I follow His pattern of service in meekness and humility.
-This is my new normal.
-Today, testimonies abound for me because the Gospel works.
(Recommended Listening)
Listen to LOVE ~ The Series 2 >> Dr. Phil by The StandPoint Church on #SoundCloud